objectives of week 1
Today the
group plan to test all the components separately to make sure that all
components can work as the expectation. The team will be divided into two parts:
Boyuan Li & Zijie Ding are
responsible to find the code library for the infrared sensor and 315hz wireless
communication module.
Hongqian Zhou & Shuosong
Guo are responsible to find the code library for the motor and velocity
detective module.
The experimental
process and results
1. testing wireless sensor
As is
shown in Figure 1, first we tested the wireless sensor. It is used to send
instructions to the car. The receiver is mounted on the smart car. However, the
difficulty was that the wireless sensor did not receive information of another
2. testing infrared sensor
Then we
tested the infrared sensor which is blue sensor in the figure 2. It is used to
detect objects. During the test, we found that its effective measurement range
is enough.
3. testing speed sensor
Next, we
tested the speed sensor, which is shown in figure 3. It is used to measure the
rotation angle of the wheel ring as it has many plastic support. When the
sensor tests a shelter, the output is high. When it does not test a shelter,
the output is low.
4. testing controlling electric machinery
In Figure
4, it is used to support electricity to electric machinery and control its
direction. When the current in the back part of the motor is larger than that
in the front part, the wheel will go forward. When the current in the back part
of the motor is smaller than that in the front part, the wheel will go
and solutions
In the
four main components testing, the first test of wireless sensor was
unsuccessful. Although it could be tested successfully to itself, it was failed
to test with other sensors.
When we
changed the testing code in the second test, it was successful to test. The
testing result is shown in Figure 5.
5. the testing results
In this
experiment, the group has finished three main parts:
1) The
testing code about four main components (infrared sensor, wireless sensor,
speed sensor and motor) has been
2) The
group has successfully tested the four components and solved the problems.
3) The
group has discussed the flowchart of the planning path of smart car.